Mastering CardView Rounded Corners: Solving the White Color Conundrum
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Mastering CardView Rounded Corners: Solving the White Color Conundrum

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky white corners ruining the sleek design of your Android app’s CardView? Do you want to create a seamless, rounded corner experience that elevates your UI to the next level? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of CardView rounded corners, exploring the common issue of white colors and providing clear, step-by-step solutions to overcome it.

Understanding CardView and Rounded Corners

CardView is a popular component in Android development, used to create visually appealing, card-based layouts. One of its most distinct features is the ability to add rounded corners, giving your app a modern, polished look. However, this feature can sometimes come with an unwanted side effect: white colors appearing at the corners.

The reason behind this issue lies in the way CardView handles its background and elevation. When you set a rounded corner radius, the background color of the CardView becomes visible through the curved edges, resulting in an unsightly white border. But fear not, dear developer! We have the solutions to tame this beast.

Solution 1: Using the `card_view:cardElevation` Attribute

The simplest way to eliminate white corners is by setting the `card_view:cardElevation` attribute to a value of 0dp. This effectively removes the elevation shadow, allowing the rounded corners to blend seamlessly with the background.

    <!-- Your card content here -->

Solution 2: Setting a Background Color

Alternatively, you can set a background color for your CardView that matches the surrounding layout. This will ensure that the rounded corners blend in, eliminating the white color issue.

    <!-- Your card content here -->
Background Color Description
@color/background_color Replace with your desired background color

Solution 3: Using a Custom Background

For more advanced scenarios, you can create a custom background shape with rounded corners using a ShapeDrawable. This approach allows for greater customization and flexibility.

    <!-- Your card content here -->
<shape xmlns:android="">
    <corners android:radius="10dp" />
    <solid android:color="@color/background_color" />
Custom Background Description
@drawable/custom_background Replace with your custom background shape
@color/background_color Replace with your desired background color

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Issue: White corners still appear after applying the solutions

    This might be due to the CardView’s parent layout having a white background. Ensure that the parent layout’s background color is set to a color that matches your CardView’s background.

  • Issue: Rounded corners are not visible

    Verify that you’ve set the `card_view:cardCornerRadius` attribute correctly and that the value is not 0dp. Also, check that the CardView’s width and height are set to match_parent or wrap_content, respectively.

  • Issue: Elevation shadow is still visible despite setting `card_view:cardElevation` to 0dp

    This might be due to the CardView’s parent layout having an elevation or padding. Set the parent layout’s elevation to 0dp and remove any unnecessary padding.

Best Practices for CardView Rounded Corners

  1. Use a consistent radius value

    Stick to a single radius value throughout your app to maintain a uniform design language.

  2. Choose a background color that complements your app’s theme

    Select a background color that blends seamlessly with your app’s overall aesthetic.

  3. Experiment with different corner radius values

    Find the perfect balance between rounded and sharp corners to create a visually appealing design.

  4. Test on multiple devices and screen sizes

    Ensure that your CardView design looks great on various devices and screen sizes.


With these solutions and best practices, you’re now equipped to tackle the pesky white corner issue in your Android app’s CardView. By applying these techniques, you’ll be able to create a stunning, rounded corner design that elevates your UI to the next level.

Remember, mastering CardView rounded corners is all about attention to detail and a willingness to experiment. Don’t be afraid to try different approaches and fine-tune your design until you achieve the perfect look.

Happy coding, and may the rounded corners be ever in your favor!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about CardView rounded corner shows white colors!

Why does my CardView have white corners when I set the corner radius?

This is because the CardView’s background color is not set, and the default background color is white. To fix this, simply set the `cardBackgroundColor` attribute in your layout file or programmatically using `setCardBackgroundColor()` method.

How can I achieve a fully rounded corner CardView without the white corners?

To achieve a fully rounded corner CardView, you need to set the `cardCornerRadius` attribute and also set the `cardBackgroundColor` attribute to the same color as your CardView’s content. Alternatively, you can use a drawable with a rounded corner shape as the CardView’s background.

What if I want to use a different background color for my CardView?

No problem! Simply set the `cardBackgroundColor` attribute to the desired color. If you want to use a separate background color for the content area, you can wrap your content in a layout and set the background color of that layout. Just make sure to set the `cardBackgroundColor` attribute to a transparent color or the same color as the content area to avoid the white corner issue.

I’m using a RecyclerView, and the white corner issue is still there. What’s going on?

RecyclerView can sometimes interfere with the CardView’s background color. To fix this, try setting the `cardBackgroundColor` attribute programmatically in your adapter’s `onBindViewHolder()` method. This should ensure that the CardView’s background color is set correctly, even when using a RecyclerView.

Are there any other alternatives to using CardView for achieving rounded corners?

Yes, there are other alternatives to using CardView for achieving rounded corners. You can use a layout with a rounded corner shape drawable as the background, or use a third-party library like RoundedImageView or MaterialCardView. However, CardView is a convenient and easy-to-use solution that’s part of the Android Support Library, so it’s usually the recommended choice.

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