The Correct Usage of MobX for Managing Comparison State in React Component
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The Correct Usage of MobX for Managing Comparison State in React Component

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Are you tired of dealing with complex state management in your React application? Do you find yourself wrestling with props, states, and re-renders? Well, fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll explore the correct usage of MobX for managing comparison state in React components, and how it can simplify your code and make your life easier.

What is MobX?

MobX (short for “mobx”) is a reactive state management library that helps you manage your application’s state in a simple and efficient way. It’s often compared to Redux, but with a more straightforward and easier-to-use API. MobX is designed to work seamlessly with React, and it’s an excellent choice for managing complex state in your application.

Why Use MobX for Managing Comparison State?

Comparison state can be a real pain to manage, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex workflows. Without a proper state management system, your code can quickly become spaghetti-like, with props and states getting lost in translation. MobX solves this problem by providing a clear and concise way to manage your application’s state, making it perfect for managing comparison state in React components.

Setting up MobX in Your React Application

To start using MobX in your React application, you’ll need to install the `mobx` and `mobx-react` packages. You can do this using npm or yarn:

npm install mobx mobx-react

Once installed, you’ll need to import the `mobx` and `mobx-react` modules in your React component:

import { observable, computed, autorun } from 'mobx';
import { observer, inject } from 'mobx-react';

Creating an Observable Store

The first step in using MobX is to create an observable store. This store will hold your application’s state and provide a way to manage it. Here’s an example of how you can create a simple store:

class ComparisonStore {
  @observable comparisonState = [];

  @computed get sortedComparisonState() {
    return this.comparisonState.sort((a, b) =>;

  @action addComparisonItem(item) {

  @action removeComparisonItem(item) {

In this example, we’ve created a `ComparisonStore` class with an observable `comparisonState` array. We’ve also added two computed properties: `sortedComparisonState` and `addComparisonItem` and `removeComparisonItem` actions.

Using MobX in Your React Component

Now that we have our observable store set up, let’s use it in our React component. We’ll create a simple component that displays a list of comparison items:

const ComparisonList = inject('comparisonStore')(
    class ComparisonList extends React.Component {
      render() {
        const { comparisonStore } = this.props;

        return (
    {, index) => (
  • {}
  • ))}
); } } ) );

In this example, we’ve created a `ComparisonList` component that injects the `comparisonStore` using the `inject` decorator. We’ve also used the `observer` decorator to make the component reactive to changes in the store.

Updating the Comparison State

To update the comparison state, we can use the `addComparisonItem` and `removeComparisonItem` actions. Here’s an example of how you can use these actions in your component:

const ComparisonItemForm = inject('comparisonStore')(
    class ComparisonItemForm extends React.Component {
      handleSubmit = (event) => {
        const { comparisonStore } = this.props;
        const itemName =;

        comparisonStore.addComparisonItem({ name: itemName });

      render() {
        return (
); } } ) );

In this example, we’ve created a `ComparisonItemForm` component that adds a new comparison item to the store when the form is submitted.

Best Practices for Using MobX

To get the most out of MobX, follow these best practices:

  • Keep your store simple and focused: Avoid putting too much logic in your store. Instead, keep it simple and focused on managing the state.
  • Use computed properties wisely: Computed properties can be powerful, but they can also lead to performance issues if not used correctly. Make sure to use them sparingly and only when necessary.
  • Use actions to update the state: Actions provide a clear and concise way to update the state. Use them instead of updating the state directly.
  • Use observers to make your components reactive: Observers make your components reactive to changes in the store. Use them to keep your components up-to-date with the latest state.


In this article, we’ve covered the correct usage of MobX for managing comparison state in React components. By following these best practices and using MobX correctly, you can simplify your code and make your life easier. Remember to keep your store simple, use computed properties wisely, and use actions to update the state. Happy coding!

Pros Cons
Simplifies state management Steeper learning curve
Improves code readability Can lead to performance issues if not used correctly
Provides a clear and concise way to manage state Requires a good understanding of reactive programming

By using MobX correctly, you can reap the benefits of simplified state management, improved code readability, and a clear and concise way to manage state. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential drawbacks, such as a steeper learning curve and the risk of performance issues if not used correctly.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to manage the comparison state in your React component with MobX? Worry not, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you master the art of state management with MobX.

What is the best way to initialize the comparison state in MobX?

The best way to initialize the comparison state in MobX is by using the `observable` decorator from the `mobx-react` library. This allows you to create a reactive state that can be easily updated and observed by your React component.

How do I update the comparison state in MobX when the user interacts with the component?

To update the comparison state in MobX, you can use the `action` decorator to wrap the function that updates the state. This ensures that the state is updated in a predictable and reproducible manner. For example, you can use the `action` decorator to update the state when the user clicks a button or selects an option from a dropdown menu.

How do I observe the comparison state in MobX and trigger a re-render of the component?

To observe the comparison state in MobX and trigger a re-render of the component, you can use the `observer` decorator from the `mobx-react` library. This decorator wraps your component and re-renders it whenever the observed state changes. For example, you can use the `observer` decorator to re-render a table component when the comparison state changes.

How do I handle errors when updating the comparison state in MobX?

To handle errors when updating the comparison state in MobX, you can use the `mobx` library’s built-in error handling mechanisms, such as the `runInAction` function. This function allows you to catch and handle errors that occur when updating the state. Additionally, you can use the `try-catch` block to handle errors and provide a fallback state in case of an error.

What are some best practices for using MobX to manage the comparison state in React components?

Some best practices for using MobX to manage the comparison state in React components include using a single source of truth for the state, keeping the state simple and predictable, using actions to update the state, and using observers to re-render the component. Additionally, it’s a good idea to use the `mobx-react-devtools` library to debug and inspect the state in your React application.

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